A comprehensive and realistic simulation

Explore the capabilities of the X-ray simulator

Adjust and Position the X-Ray Tube Freely

Realistic and interactive control of the ceiling-mounted X-ray system allows full freedom of movement including cross-table, making any projection archivable, whether traditional, specialized or being made up on the spot for demonstration and learning purposes.  

Generate Completely Realistic X-Ray Images

Every adjustment you make to the anatomy or the X-ray generates an original image, showing how those changes affect what you see on screen. This isn’t a simple display of pre-made images – it’s real-time, interactive X-ray generation.

Manipulate Patient Positioning and Anatomy

Interactive and true-to-life patient positioning, allows the students to understand and practice the anatomical manipulation necessary to archive good images. All anatomical regions are designed to reflect true-to-life range of motion. 

Adjust Technical Factors Freely

Students can adjust mAs and kVp to investigate and understand how both normal and extreme variations impact X-ray images. All adjustments are based on real-life physics, hence even the smallest adjustments are reflected in the images. 

Want to know if the X-ray Simulator fits your use case?

Explore the Available Anatomy








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