Fresh results from a research project that explored how our VR simulator from VitaSim is utilized in radiography education

Fresh results from a research project that explored how our VR simulator from VitaSim is utilized in radiography education The study involved 10 students, who tried our VR simulator to see if it could assist them in becoming proficient at taking X-rays of the wrist. Before and after their experience with the simulator, they were […]
Unveiling VR-BOSS: A Leap Forward in Surgical Simulation Training!

Unveiling VR-BOSS: A Leap Forward in Surgical Simulation Training! Exciting news! In a world facing up to 20 million wrist fractures each year, the demand for skilled surgeons has never been greater. Recognizing this, we at VitaSim, in collaboration with experts from the internationally renowned simulation center CAMES, have developed a game-changing solution: the Virtual Reality […]
We’re excited to share a glimpse of the future of X-ray training!

X-ray simulator VitaSim proudly presents our latest Virtual Reality (VR) simulator, set to revolutionize the way X-ray training is conducted for both students and professionals seeking further education. The video showcases the simulator’s immersive environment, where trainees can practice X-ray techniques on major joints such as hips and wrists. Very soon, the simulator will expand […]
X-ray Imaging
X-ray Imaging A virtual training exercise where users can train conventional xray recordings. Placing the xray tube and the patient, making it possible to take xray recordings. The user will receive automated feedback on their xray photos. This module will help you achieve the following learning goals: Demonstrating the right hand position and positioning techniques Knowledge […]